12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Гайнанова Сабина Ринатовна633
Россия, Карелия респ., Петрозаводск

Контрольная работа Spotlight 6 module 4

1. Write the correct answer.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Do you know who my classmate is? He is Harry Potter. He ( 1.do ) everything we (2.do). We (3.get) up at 6 o’clock. He always (4.do) morning exercises but his best friend Ron (5.do, not). We usually (6.have) breakfast at 8 o’clock. I (7.take) some sandwiches with bacon and coffee, Harry (8.take) some porridge and cocoa, Ron (9.do, not, eat) much – just some toast and tea.

There ( 10.is/are ) a lot of subjects on our timetable. Harry (11.am/is/are) not very good at Transfiguration. The best student (12.am/is/are) Hermione. She really (13. can/cans) turn things into animals. She (14.am/is/are) very nice and kind.

After classes we have time to ( 15.relaxes/relax ). Harry often (16.walk) with his friends. I (17.read) books. Our team (18.play) quidditch (19.in/on/at) Sundays. At 10 o’clock the bell (20.ring) for us to go to bed.


Your Neville

2 . You found the bottle with the letter inside. But you can’t read some information. Fill in the correct word from the table below (there are 7 extra words). Ask Nick three questions, use the words: When…, What…, How… .

Dear Friend!

I ’m Nick Martins. I live in New а)... As you see in this pie chart the warm seasons are b)... . July is usually the coldest month. We can go to the c)...  and enjoy skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling. But I prefer winter because on holidays my family sets off early in the morning. We go camping - d)...  a fire, fish and play e)... .

lake    build   winter  York   spring   games     autumn   Australia

house   mountains    summer   ocean    hockey   Zealand

1) +25 °C          2)  +18 °C     3) +11 °C        4) +21 °Ct1706038812aa.gif

1. When…? 2. What…? 3. How…?

3. Which seasons are hidden under the numbers? Write them down.

1)                          2)                               3)                                          4)



1. does 2.do 3.get 4.does 5.doesn ’t 6.have 7.take 8.takes 9.doesn’t eat 10. are 11.is 12.is 13. can 14.is 15. relax 16.walks 17.read 18.plays 19.on 20.rings


Zealand b) winter, spring, autumn c) mountains d) build e)games

Possible answers:

When do you play hockey(tennis, …)? 2. What is the hottest month? 3. How often do you go camping?


1) winter 2) spring/ autumn 3) summer 4) spring/ autumn

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